Tuesday, April 12, 2005

PORN -nekt

Originally uploaded by Hlynur Sig.
The averidge Homo sapiens sexiens thinks porn an averidge thing. Porn and nudity. Here is my camera naked and some of us thinks it a litla bit to far, and some don't even find it sexy. But that will be the day. Now tipical porn is a lot more than nudity and sometimes almost creepy. Later on it all will be dune in computers. then hardcore porn will be someting like my camera.

Annars var ég bara að gera við hana og fannst þetta fyndið. Sérstaklega að skrifa það á ensku.


Anonymous said...

Það er ákveðin fróun að horfa á nakta myndavél sem hugsanlega hefur í minni sér mynd af nakinni mannveru.

Anonymous said...

Er þetta klámmyndavél?
Sigga, osló

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