Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Gvatemala dagur

Gvatemala dagur 2 058
Originally uploaded by Hlynur Sig.
This is the Guatemala group (Axel (who take´s the picture) and Sven Eric are missing, the teachers you know), the group (from top/right to bottom/left) Morten, Dyrleif, Gudrun, Helle, Allen, Theresa, Millan, Lesse, Linda, Helle and I.
It has been a quit of a trip, So far so good...
This is good for know.
Guatemala is nice, Im telling you.
(the picture is from Gudrun)


Anonymous said...

er það þú Hlynur?? ..þessi heltanaði þarna á kantinum??

Anonymous said...

Árið venurinn, myndin af þér og öllu grænfóðrinu er eitthvað svo mikið þú:)

ZaZa said...

I think I know some people from your class, could that be possible? I had a failing financial situation at the time of tropical botany, otherwise I would surely gone there!
