Monday, September 26, 2005

BANDYlid Hvanneyriar 2005

BAndylid Hvanneyriar 2005
Originally uploaded by Hlynur Sig.
This is the Team In Bandy from Hvanneyri, who went all the way from Hvenneyri to Reykjavik to compete in Icelandic national bandy master leak.
We did scor one gole and we are so happy, but we lost every game, pitti.

Picture. From top to boppom> Thordis, Maria, Helgi, Joi, Stefan and Hlynur


soffia said...

Þið stóðið ykkur geðveikt vel og voruð næst fallegasta liðið á mótinu (á eftir UÍA auðvitað ;))

SBS said...

Er þetta alþjóðlegt lið þarna á Hvanneri frændi sæll.....eða bara amatörar!!!!
kveðja frá kóngsins

SBS said...

Ahhh vantaði eitt y ;o)

Anonymous said...

Are you the guy who played Bam Bam in the Flintstones Movie?