Saturday, June 21, 2008

Dr. Elfar

Originally uploaded by Hlynur Sig.
So, My friend Elfar Thorarinnsson has made it. He is now a Dr. So, what about that? So, he is Dr. in DNA and RNA.
Congratulations Dr. Elfar

So, little bit of me: I have finish my final (hopefully EVER) oral examine, I passed it so, jee. I just have to deliver one report in the end of this week and then I "only" have to do my final thesis in Landscape architecture... No more school!!! (or I hope so)
I will move back to Iceland in the beginning of july.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hæ.. afmælisstrákur.. humm.. var það ekki í gær? Allavega til hamingju og til hamingju með að vera búinn í bili og kominn heim.. Mundu að kíkja við á Hvanneyri þegar þú átt leið hjá..
Bestu kveðjur
Guðrún og Valdi