Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Originally uploaded by Hlynur Sig.

Stekkjastaur kom fyrstur,
stinnur eins og tré.
Hann laumaðist í netbankann
og lék á bóndans fé.

Hann vildi stinga undan,
þá varð þeim ekki um sel,
því greyið var á örorku,
það gekk nú ekki vel.

Sorry my friends who don´t read icelandic. The next 13 days will be written in Icelandic, because it is actually not possible to have it in english.
It is old traditional poetry, about our 13 icelandic santa clauses who are getting one by one to town from the mountains. We have updated this old poatry into more modern rimes, the pictures are actually telling a part of the poetry.
Sorry, but it is difficault to translate, so the poetry, humore and all comes throug.

This same christmas thing does also take place on...

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